A good night's sleep is essential for our health and well-being, and the mattress plays a key role. For this reason, mattress cleanliness should be one of our priorities. Did you know that keeping your mattress clean is key to ensuring a healthy and cosy environment in your sleeping space.? But that's not all, the maintenance of the mattress also plays an essential role in preserving its properties and benefits over time!
In this article we will explain the basic care to keep your mattress impeccable, so that every night is a real dream come true. You will discover the importance of a clean mattress, how to clean it in a simple and efficient way, and best of all, how to properly care for an organic or natural mattress, keeping all its qualities intact. We want you to feel the freshness and comfort of a mattress that is kept in perfect condition, and to enjoy an exceptional rest that revitalises your body and mind.
Why is it important to keep a mattress clean?
Keeping a mattress clean makes sense for several reasons. Firstly, it ensures a healthy environment, free of dust mites and bacteria, providing a more pleasant and fresh sleep. In addition, it prolongs its useful life, maintaining its support and comfort properties for longer, which translates into a restorative and revitalising sleep.
Cuidar nuestro colchón ecológico sin tóxicos no solo beneficia a nuestro bienestar, sino también al medio ambiente, al contribuir a un uso más sostenible de los recursos. Asimismo, el mantenimiento regular del colchón representa un ahorro a largo plazo, evitando la necesidad de reemplazarlo con frecuencia.
How should I take care of my mattress, how often should I clean it, what products can I use? In addition to washing the sheets, your mattress needs some care:
– Protect your mattress. It is advisable to use a good protective cover as it will prevent you from having to deal with unwanted stains, and the accumulation of dust and mites. Wash it together with the sheets and then take the opportunity to ventilate the room by opening the windows to prevent dampness.
– Clean periodically. Try to air the mattress every day when you make your bed by shaking the sheets to remove dust and allow the mattress to breathe and stay fresh. In addition, it is advisable to carry out an annual deep cleaning by vacuuming the surface of the mattress with a hoover. This deep cleaning is sufficient every six months, and should be more frequent if you have allergy or asthma problems, or if it is a children's bed.
– Removes stains. There has been an accident and the stain has gone through the sheets and the protective cover, leaving a stain on the mattress... don't panic! Act as soon as possible by mixing water with neutral soap in a container. Soak an absorbent cloth in the mixture and wring it out well.
Using circular movements, rub gently until the stains disappear. Once resolved, make sure the area is dry before putting the bed linen on. A tip: if it is a bit damp, a hairdryer will be your best ally for quick drying.
Additional tips to keep your mattress in top condition.
As you can see, the care instructions for a mattress made of natural materials are very simple. Take note of these tips as well:
- Use a neutral soap without artificial fragrances. This is essential to keep your bedroom healthy and free of toxins. Specific upholstery products can damage fabrics in addition to their high toxicity.
- Don't forget to turn your mattress! Every six months, turn it over to keep its shape even and in good condition. In this way, you will increase its lifespan. The natural mattresses WONDERFLIP are single-sided and do not turn over, but we do recommend turning it from the headboard to the footboard and vice versa.
– Avoid jumping on your mattress. Although it is a lot of fun, mattresses are designed to support a body horizontally and the stress caused by jumping can severely affect the structure of the mattress.
-A mattress is not for life. Even if we keep our mattress in perfect condition, it is natural for its fabrics and padding to wear out, so after ten years of age we should start to evaluate whether we need a new mattress.
Now that you know everything you need to know to keep your mattress clean and in perfect condition, all you need to do is relax and sleep soundly.